View Javadoc
1   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2   // checkstyle: Checks Java source code and other text files for adherence to a set of rules.
3   // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 the original author or authors.
4   //
5   // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6   // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7   // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8   // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9   //
10  // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  // Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  //
15  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16  // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17  // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
18  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20  package;
22  import static;
23  import static;
24  import static;
26  import java.util.List;
27  import java.util.Locale;
28  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
30  import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
38  /**
39   * Unit test for RegexpHeaderCheck.
40   */
41  public class RegexpHeaderCheckTest extends AbstractModuleTestSupport {
43      @Override
44      protected String getPackageLocation() {
45          return "com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/header/regexpheader";
46      }
48      /**
49       * Test of setHeader method, of class RegexpHeaderCheck.
50       */
51      @Test
52      public void testSetHeaderNull() {
53          // check null passes
54          final RegexpHeaderCheck instance = new RegexpHeaderCheck();
55          // recreate for each test because multiple invocations fail
56          final String header = null;
57          instance.setHeader(header);
58          final List<Pattern> headerRegexps = TestUtil.getInternalState(instance, "headerRegexps");
60          assertWithMessage("When header is null regexps should not be set")
61                  .that(headerRegexps)
62                  .isEmpty();
63      }
65      /**
66       * Test of setHeader method, of class RegexpHeaderCheck.
67       */
68      @Test
69      public void testSetHeaderEmpty() {
70          // check null passes
71          final RegexpHeaderCheck instance = new RegexpHeaderCheck();
72          // check empty string passes
73          final String header = "";
74          instance.setHeader(header);
75          final List<Pattern> headerRegexps = TestUtil.getInternalState(instance, "headerRegexps");
77          assertWithMessage("When header is empty regexps should not be set")
78                  .that(headerRegexps)
79                  .isEmpty();
80      }
82      /**
83       * Test of setHeader method, of class RegexpHeaderCheck.
84       */
85      @Test
86      public void testSetHeaderSimple() {
87          final RegexpHeaderCheck instance = new RegexpHeaderCheck();
88          // check valid header passes
89          final String header = "abc.*";
90          instance.setHeader(header);
91          final List<Pattern> headerRegexps = TestUtil.getInternalState(instance, "headerRegexps");
92          assertWithMessage("Expected one pattern")
93              .that(headerRegexps.size())
94              .isEqualTo(1);
95          assertWithMessage("Invalid header regexp")
96              .that(headerRegexps.get(0).pattern())
97              .isEqualTo(header);
98      }
100     /**
101      * Test of setHeader method, of class RegexpHeaderCheck.
102      */
103     @Test
104     public void testSetHeader() {
105         // check invalid header passes
106         final RegexpHeaderCheck instance = new RegexpHeaderCheck();
107         try {
108             final String header = "^/**\\n * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)";
109             instance.setHeader(header);
110             assertWithMessage(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s should have been thrown",
111                     IllegalArgumentException.class)).fail();
112         }
113         catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
114             assertWithMessage("Invalid exception message")
115                 .that(ex.getMessage())
116                 .isEqualTo("Unable to parse format: ^/**\\n *"
117                     + " Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)");
118         }
119     }
121     @Test
122     public void testDefaultConfiguration() throws Exception {
123         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
124         createChecker(checkConfig);
125         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
126         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
127     }
129     @Test
130     public void testEmptyFilename() throws Exception {
131         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
132         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", "");
133         try {
134             createChecker(checkConfig);
135             assertWithMessage("Checker creation should not succeed with invalid headerFile").fail();
136         }
137         catch (CheckstyleException ex) {
138             assertWithMessage("Invalid exception message")
139                 .that(ex.getMessage())
140                 .isEqualTo("cannot initialize module"
141                     + ""
142                     + " - Cannot set property 'headerFile' to ''");
143         }
144     }
146     @Test
147     public void testRegexpHeader() throws Exception {
148         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
149                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
150         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader.header"));
151         final String[] expected = {
152             "3: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISMATCH, "// Created: 2002"),
153         };
154         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
155     }
157     @Test
158     public void testNonMatchingRegexpHeader() throws Exception {
159         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
160             createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
161         checkConfig.addProperty("header",
162                                 "\\/\\/ Nth Line of Header\\n\\/\\/ Nth Line of Header\\n");
163         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "1");
164         final String[] expected = {
165             "1: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISMATCH, "\\/\\/ Nth Line of Header"),
166         };
167         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
168     }
170     @Test
171     public void testRegexpHeaderUrl() throws Exception {
172         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
173                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
174         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getUriString("InputRegexpHeader.header"));
175         final String[] expected = {
176             "3: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISMATCH, "// Created: 2002"),
177         };
178         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
179     }
181     @Test
182     public void testInlineRegexpHeader() throws Exception {
183         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
184                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
185         checkConfig.addProperty("header", "^/*$\\n// .*\\n// Created: 2002\\n^//.*\\n^//.*");
186         final String[] expected = {
187             "3: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISMATCH, "// Created: 2002"),
188         };
189         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
190     }
192     @Test
193     public void testFailureForMultilineRegexp() throws Exception {
194         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
195                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
196         checkConfig.addProperty("header", "^(.*\\n.*)");
197         try {
198             createChecker(checkConfig);
199             assertWithMessage(
200                     "Checker creation should not succeed when regexp spans multiple lines").fail();
201         }
202         catch (CheckstyleException ex) {
203             assertWithMessage("Invalid exception message")
204                 .that(ex.getMessage())
205                 .isEqualTo("cannot initialize module"
206                     + ""
207                     + " - Cannot set property 'header' to '^(.*\\n.*)'");
208         }
209     }
211     @Test
212     public void testInlineRegexpHeaderConsecutiveNewlines() throws Exception {
213         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
214                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
215         checkConfig.addProperty("header", "^/*$\\n// .*\\n\\n// Created: 2017\\n^//.*");
216         final String[] expected = {
217             "3: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISMATCH, "^$"),
218         };
219         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
220     }
222     @Test
223     public void testInlineRegexpHeaderConsecutiveNewlinesThroughConfigFile() throws Exception {
224         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
225                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
226         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getUriString("InputRegexpHeaderNewLines.header"));
227         final String[] expected = {
228             "3: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISMATCH, "^$"),
229         };
230         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
231     }
233     @Test
234     public void testRegexpHeaderIgnore() throws Exception {
235         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
236                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
237         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader1.header"));
238         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
239         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
240     }
242     @Test
243     public void testRegexpHeaderMulti1() throws Exception {
244         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
245                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
246         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader2.header"));
247         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "3, 6");
248         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
249         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
250     }
252     @Test
253     public void testRegexpHeaderMulti2() throws Exception {
254         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
255                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
256         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader2.header"));
257         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "3, 6");
258         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
259         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
260     }
262     @Test
263     public void testRegexpHeaderMulti3() throws Exception {
264         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
265                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
266         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader2.header"));
267         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "3, 7");
268         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
269         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
270     }
272     @Test
273     public void testRegexpHeaderMulti4() throws Exception {
274         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
275                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
276         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader2.header"));
277         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "3, 5, 6, 7");
278         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
279         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
280     }
282     @Test
283     public void testRegexpHeaderMulti5() throws Exception {
284         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
285                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
286         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader2.header"));
287         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "3");
288         final String[] expected = {
289             "1: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISSING),
290         };
291         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
292     }
294     @Test
295     public void testRegexpHeaderMulti6() throws Exception {
296         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
297                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
298         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader2_4.header"));
299         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "8974382");
300         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
301         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
302     }
304     @Test
305     public void testRegexpHeaderSmallHeader() throws Exception {
306         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
307                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
308         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader2.header"));
309         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "3, 6");
310         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
311         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
312     }
314     @Test
315     public void testEmptyMultiline()
316             throws Exception {
317         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
318         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader2.header"));
319         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "");
320         final String[] expected = {
321             "1: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISSING),
322         };
323         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
324     }
326     @Test
327     public void testRegexpHeaderMulti52()
328             throws Exception {
329         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
330         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader3.header"));
331         final String[] expected = {
332             "1: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISSING),
333         };
334         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
335     }
337     @Test
338     public void testIgnoreLinesSorted() throws Exception {
339         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig =
340                 createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
341         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader5.header"));
342         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "7,5,3");
343         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
344         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
345     }
347     @Test
348     public void testHeaderWithInvalidRegexp() throws Exception {
349         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
350         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader.invalid.header"));
351         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
352         final String path = getPath("");
353         try {
354             verify(checkConfig, path, expected);
355             assertWithMessage("IllegalArgumentException is expected").fail();
356         }
357         catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
358             assertWithMessage("Invalid exception message")
359                 .that(ex.getMessage())
360                 .isEqualTo("line 3 in header specification is not a regular expression");
361         }
362     }
364     @Test
365     public void testNoWarningIfSingleLinedLeft() throws Exception {
366         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
367         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader4.header"));
368         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
369         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
370     }
372     @Test
373     public void testNoHeaderMissingErrorInCaseHeaderSizeEqualToFileSize() throws Exception {
374         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
375         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader3.header"));
376         checkConfig.addProperty("multiLines", "1");
377         final String[] expected = {
378             "5: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISMATCH, "^$"),
379         };
380         verify(checkConfig, getPath(""), expected);
381     }
383     @Test
384     public void testCharsetProperty1() throws Exception {
385         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
386         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader7.header"));
387         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
388         final String path = getPath("");
389         verify(checkConfig, path, expected);
390     }
392     @Test
393     public void testCharsetProperty2() throws Exception {
394         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
395         checkConfig.addProperty("charset", "US-ASCII");
396         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile", getPath("InputRegexpHeader7.header"));
397         final String[] expected = {
398             // -@cs[RegexpSinglelineJava] need for testing
399             "3: " + getCheckMessage(MSG_HEADER_MISMATCH, "// some.class.��������.passed"),
400         };
401         final String path = getPath("");
402         verify(checkConfig, path, expected);
404     }
406     @Test
407     public void testCharsetProperty3() throws Exception {
408         final DefaultConfiguration checkConfig = createModuleConfig(RegexpHeaderCheck.class);
409         checkConfig.addProperty("headerFile",
410                 getPath("InputRegexpHeader7.header"));
411         checkConfig.addProperty("charset", "US-ASCII");
412         final String[] expected = CommonUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
413         final String path = getPath("");
414         verify(checkConfig, path, expected);
415     }
416 }